Game On: Yes We Can Reversing Global Warming!
DRAWDOWN: The point in time when CO2 in the atmosphere begins to decline -- 100 projects that sequester carbon from land and sea
Arlene Francis Center, Santa Rosa, hosts Introduction to DRAWDOWN Thursday, May 9th from 6-9 pm, a workshop enabling participants to become part of the solution to climate crisis. “Daily climate news is bleak,” says organizer, Wayne Morgenthaler, “but we must support solutions to this crisis now".

DRAWDOWN workshops are slated for each city in the county through Sonoma County Pachamama Alliance (SCPA). Based on Paul Hawken’s book, DRAWDOWN, “the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming.”
The presentation will be preceded by a short street theater piece by Jessica Litwak and H.E.A.T. theatre troupe and a panel of youth activists will offer views on how to engage our communities, government and especially youth in the hard work of shifting toward a healthy planet and equitable life for all its people.
“DRAWDOWN is the work of... a geologists, engineers, agronomists, researchers, fellows, writers, climatologists, biologists, botanists, economists, financial analysts, architects, companies, agencies, NGOs, activists, and other experts who draft, model, fact check, review, and validate all text, inputs, sources, and provide helpful information and tools to a wide variety of actors who are dedicated to meaningful change... ” – DRAWDOWN