Dream of a Hundred Year Plan:
I dream of a US that actually has an energy plan and the climate plan 100 year plan not a midterm election plan, a water plan to get rid of all the corporate pollutants in our riparian corridors and in our streams, a biodiversity plan, a plan to eliminate poverty of literacy a plan that ensures no child here or anywhere goes to bed hungry.
I dream of another UN team shutting down the ten thousand chemical plants in this country which are essentially biological weapons waiting to happen.
I dream of getting my government back a country of by and for the people and I dream of a country you can say that it's wrong that it's sorry it can apologize and says sorry for the suffering that caused First Peoples for African Americans or Hispanic Americans and for Asian Americans and all people in all lands that we have tortured that we have harmed that we have killed a country big and generous enough to pay reparations and build new schools in inner cities an act of decency.
Eduardo Galeano talks about a time a divine time and historians will stop believing the countries enjoy being invaded when the world will no longer be at war against the poor but against poverty where the weapons industry will have no choice but to declare bankruptcy when nobody will die of hunger because nobody will have indigestion and the street children will not be treated as if they were trash because there will be no street children because a black woman will become president of Brazil and another black woman president of the United States and an Indian woman president of Guatemala
Let's talk about the future we want.
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