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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Last Trees of the Amazon

By Nelly Luna Amancio, Mongabay, 12 November 18, Posted by Wayne Morgenthaler
This article is especially important given the ascendancy of a dictator in Brazil who intends to exploit timber and mining for profit.  Already since 2015 deforestation has increase 29%, Columbia, 44% so if the international community were to do the Green thing we would also have to stop importing from climate criminals. Our track record in certification under capitalism has be a  complete charade so transparency would be essential.

A team of journalists from five Latin American countries investigated how groups of timber traffickers manage to steal and process timber from the Amazon.

llegally-sourced timber from Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia are incorporated into the international market with falsified official documents that are almost never verified. Timber traffickers are now pursuing new species of trees, but the countries' governments do very little to protect the species.

Here us my question for the group -- Is this an example of an on topic, focused article that is curated to support and clarify SCPA's mission and position?  I think it is germane to the question of a global mobilization but perhaps too far in the future to aid in refining our our position.  If the article was about how we might control climate contraband under an international agreement then it would be. 


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